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Bringing Certainty To Beauty Business Of All Sizes

For Brands

Data backed product trends​

For Retailers

Category, ingredient, composition, texture trends
Skin conditions which are taking centre stage 
Cultural impact on beauty to stay relatable to customers
Your brand vs market
Launches from aspirational brands & what's growing on TikTok
You vs Market & how to stand out
Data backed buying decisions 
Category, ingredient, composition, texture trends
Monthly trend updates. Plan your weekly curations
Cultural impact on beauty to stay relatable to customers
Skin conditions which are taking centre stage 
Packaging trends. Material, aesthetic, shapes, colour, prints
Sustainability updates, material innovations, compliance changes
skincare trends.jpeg
Identify unique, niche & mass brands to onboard in your marketplace
Launches from aspirational brands & what's growing on TikTok
Packaging trends. Material, aesthetic, shapes, colour, prints

Market researcher

- Data backed insights about emerging ingredients, categories, formulation


-Insights on skin issues which are taking centre stage. E.g. skin damage due to pollution


-Insights on how culture is shapping beauty & skincare.


- Identify growing niche brands to keep an eye on



Consumer Behaviour Reseascher 

- Data backed insights about emerging ingredients, categories, formulation


-Insights on skin issues which are taking centre stage among consumers. E.g. skin damage due to pollution

- Data backed insights on how culture is shapeing beauty consumers' behaviour.

Product Developers

Studio Portrait

-Data backed insights on ingredients, formulations, categories & products which are emerging

- Insights on skin issues which are becoming relevant to customer


- Align product decisions to consumer demand 

Packaging designers

- Data backed insights on emerging packaging materials, colours, prints and shapes


- Data backed insights utility of packaging which consumers are looking for

- Insights on aesthetics relevant to consumers

Product  Consultants

-Data backed insights on ingredients, formulations, categories & products which are emerging to help your clients to make winning products

- Insights on skin issues which are becoming relevant to customer


- Align product decisions to consumer demand 

Ready to Make Profitable Decisions?

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